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The Coalitions 2020 Vision May 2019
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Coalitions 2020 Vision Test

 The Coalitions 2020 Vision


For those who are  Avatar fans you will know the scene when Jake meets Neyteri's mother the clan matriarch, and she replies to Jake (in regard to his intelligence) with "..... It is hard to fill a cup which is already full."

The same would have to be said of the individual leaders of the current Coalitions political parties.

To those who have no idea re the above surely you know the saying "A sandwich short of a picnic", or "A sausage short of a barby"? As three intelligent people it must be a case then that each of them have so many sausages "on their bar-be-ques" that it hinders their common sense, practicality and logic?

If this doesn't happen to be and each of them are still able to use critical thinking skills in regard to New Zealand (or any countries) future direction, prosperity and success then why are they simply not able to take basic economics, basic history and actual recent global events to work out that socialism always fails?

As my wonderful Grandpa would say in a cynical tone "The brains of the working class", it was a sarcasm at the fact that the so called "toff's", politicians and elites who think they know better, actually have no idea.

If we are to give the three party leaders of the current Coalition the benefit of doubt, presume they are individually intelligent and that each of them have full cognitive function, then it logically it must lead to saying there must be outside influences to the reasons for their cult like fervour of socialism?

But The UN, The EU and Al Gore know what's best they say.  YEAH RIGHT.

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