Online Security
Basic Good Practices - Start Here
10 Basic Security Practices
- Read PDF instruction here:
Program Used To View The Web
Using a Secure Encrypted Browser
- PDF Instruction with graphics:
Search / Home Page Security
Using a Secure Search Engine
- PDF Instruction here:
Is Your Email Provider and Program Safe?
Installing a Secure Free Email
- PDF Instruction here
Make your cell phone more secure
Settings for cell phones use
- PDF Instruction here
Other hints and recommendations
For Cellphones.
Suggested cell browsers are Brave, DuckDuckGo and TOR. They can be all used simultaneously.
Brave does have the easiest save functionality and options when saving photos or graphics.
In the Brave settings select Search Engine and choose Qwant.
Google is only in one language - Censored
Suggested best free cellphone VPN for better online anonymity, download and install ProtonVPN which if you have a protonmail email account (even the free option), is very easy to verify and implement.
Removing Goolag from your cellphone - This is easier than it first seems. There are plenty of You Tube and tutorials on how too do this. One thing that does work, purchase a 2nd phone of same brand and similar model. Clone it. The Cloned version will open up virtually the same except not be signed into a Goolag account.
Your cellphone will kick up lots of errors demanding you create a gEEmail account, ignore them
Go to Goolag Play Services and deny EVERY option and service
For downloading app's not using Goolag Play Store. Download VPKPure / Search and find and install app's via VPKpure