Socialisms Slide into oblivion Jan 2020
#ardernism #parttimepm #tragicardern #tragichelen #tragicshaw #tragicsimon #tragicpeters
One of the biggest misconceptions is that the inverse to the "socialist" parties Labour and Greens, is the National party.
If the National party still genuinely stood for what their Founding Principles are then they would be, but for the last 8 decades they've slowly slid away from a place of conservative values, Sid Holland will be turning in his grave.
Sliding towards the precipice to end in the same demise in financial devastation as Venezuela, or North Korea is always a snowballing process. Already New Zealand has the Coalition parties all standing on the edge preening themselves in readiness for a imminent triple somersault dive.
The media will successfully suck in the bulk of the TV News believing brainless that the impending plummet into socialism can be "stopped" by voting for the non progressives (National?) - But that won't be seen until polls start to prove blatantly that the bulk of Kiwi's have had a gutsfull of the blathering lies and policy failures by the leftist parties, and the media always follow "the money", and cashing in on jacindamania at present is big bucks.
Maybe the media will be real journalists instead of political panderers? YEAH RIGHT as if...
It's time for Kiwi's to WAKE UP to the scum that have had their infected talons tearing at the fabric of our society through our political establishment.
Yes, there has been and still is a few genuine individuals, but they are few and far between. The readers can beg to differ if you so please, that's your right - but personally I would state Bill English and Alfred Ngaro
New Zealand truly deserves better than decades of nefarious under-mining politicians who have all being there to push their personal agenda, be it that most of it in line with the UN's agenda 21 or agenda 30
It's time to clear the Termite Mound of these vermin, and to vote in genuine, hard working and
conservative people who are there to put New Zealand and our countries people and sovereignty first, that
party is New Conservatives
Maybe though National will return to their senses and their core values? YEAH RIGHT