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©Yeah Right Graphics

Leftist's lose their shit once again...

President Trump wins with 280 electoral votes...


New Zealand "NWO ground Zeroland", has for DECADES being tagged by the elites as their final refuge.

Impossible if the "low feeders" as National party PM Chris Luxon called Kiwi's; aren't CONTROLLED and COMPLIANT system slaves.

Orwellian Dystopia on steroids - by controlling movement via energy and finances through technology

1.   5g was rolled out in a frenzy
2.  Fear, Unemployment, Coercion and Force used to nanotech covid "vaccine" 80% of the population
3.  Govt controlled Energy companies making it nigh impossible to NOT have a smart meter
4.  Swap out the 4g to 5g in smart meters (Blue Current have been doing that across NZ over 2024)
5.  Change the banking system in trading to zero trust "approval" not contractual acceptance (2022)
6.  Start implementing access controlling technology on target roads and congestion points
7.  Set up face recog cams across road network (800 x costing nearly 1B, see TaxPayersUnion)
8.  Force users to use ERoad GPS by 2027.
9.  Upgrade cellphone bluetooth chips from 10 to 100mtrs (latest iPhone & Android phones now are)
10. Connect all nanotech jabbed via the Bluetooth Mesh Network / smart meters / 5g / face recog
11.  Control their spending (eftpos now are "approved" not "accepted")
12. GEOFENCE all vehicles i.e DRIVER"S into smart cities
13. GEOLOCATION track any & all Nanotech mRNA Covid "vaccinated"

All the obedient Sheeple in their 15-20 Geofence "paddocks" who have paid for their own demise.

Remember the movie The Matrix? This is the technocrat control matrix they are rolling out.

5G map screenshot.jpg
NWO 5G vaccine 1989.jpg
Person - persona, masquerade, mask, fiction, legal fiction, corporate entity,
THEY LIED 2024.jpg
Counter and Spin Media Cartoon.jpg
Ardern Hyena.jpg
Yeah Right Logo CRight 200pxWH 352px.jpg

 Cynical, Thought Provoking

"Politically Incorrect" Graphics

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