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Jan 2025 - Kaimanawa Wall NZ
Directions to get to "The Wall"

You would expect such a unique feature to be well advertised and signposted but no, it's as if the "powers-to-be" would rather no have a lot of people visiting The Wall, what could be their most likely devious reason?

Visual and text instructions to get to The Wall. Allow yourself a minimum 3-hour round trip from Taupo - MINIMUM.
Wear good footwear so you can clamber around and do a bit of fossicking & photographing.
As you may see was in my 4wd ute, if anything less is no problem in the finer months, if going after a lot of rain then just don't go in your Granny's little e.v

Link to Kaimanawa Wall NZ -
Gallery & Notes


To get to The Kaimanawa Wall .
1.Starting at the Taupo/SHW5 roundabout (to Napier). From the roundabout go 22.8 kms and turn right into Taharua Rd.(well signposted)


2.  Drive along Taharua Rd 9.3 Kms then turn right onto Clements Mill Rd,

Clements Mill Road is sealed up to Sika Lodge on the right, goes to gravel entering the bush - Lights on, slow down.


3. Drive along Clements Mill Rd 11.5 kms, you will eventually go over two of these "bridges", a couple of km after second one is the Kaimanawa Wall


4. The Wall is on a sweeping left bend, the only marker is this perspex green road peg beside a neatly placed rock with "THE WALL" carved into it

Yeah Right Logo CRight 200pxWH 352px.jpg

 Cynical, Thought Provoking

"Politically Incorrect" Graphics

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