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Australia and NZ Free Travel
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 Australia and NZ Free Travel


Now why would Australia close off free-and-easy travel across the ditch when it’s been such a big part of the down under lifestyle?

 Maybe the Ozzies are looking at Europe and wising up to what’s happening?

 The other day a good mate and his wife called in. They were touring our stunning country to show a UK couple the top sights and spots. His pal from Manchester and I got chatting and I asked him, “What’s it really like over there now mate?” “Oh F***, you’ve got no idea, it’s a bloody mess.” He would know, he’s worked in IT on the council there for 19 years.

 A few days later at Dad’s 80th birthday bash, while chatting to my cousin from “back home” in the UK…… he says “Oh F***, it’s bloody el- int-and-baskit-now” (in North Yorkshire speak, “its bloody hell in a hand basket now”). He would know, he’s lived there 67 years.

 But in the halls of power, and coming from our own Ministry of “Hugs & Cuddles” down in Wells, the Liberals, globalists, Marxists and Commies seem to love sweeping emotive statements like “We love refugees” and are quick to label anyone who opposes globalism with its open border policies as “alt-right” or “Nazis”………… Instead of researching or listening to people who have had lived and experienced what it’s like over there in the UK and Europe.  Jacinda Ardern and Winston Peters have signed us up to UNcontrolled migration, when the evidence is clear – it’s not working! One would have to ask why? Why did they sign the PACT? Surely Peter’s and Ardern aren’t that dumb, are they?

 Nah, the Ozzies are awake to the Trojan Horse marching towards us down under. It’d only be smart to close the back door.  I mean really, any smart leader would protect their nations, economy, culture and borders, and that’s the goal of the current coalition isn’t it? Yeah right.

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