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Axiom - Core Beliefs
Political choices are based on core value systems and spiritual beliefs
-  How shallow are you?
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1. Motivation - Ignorance - Evil
2. Emotions - Humanism - Misunderstanding - Relativity             
3. Culture -Ideological beliefs - Incorrect knowledge - Philosophy                 
4. Spiritual awareness - Reality - Fact - Truth - Faith
Liberalism/Progressivism/Leftism is based on emotions and ever changing opinions
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The current Labour/Green coalition, and previous trio-coalition are following in the footsteps of countries of the past which embraced a humanistic, socialist worldview; from the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks in Russia, Nazi Germany, Chairman Mao and Castro's Cuba.

The National Party and Labour are simply two arms of same "party" pushing the fail-sure "Utopian" agenda, after the 1948 "League of Nations / U.N" in 1951 the National party removed the independent Legislative Council. This ensured that whichever "side" was voted in could push through agenda driven legislation unhindered.
Bear in mind, most politician's start off "in it" for genuine reasons, they passionately believe in their cause, but only the controllable puppet's rise to any position's. The influencing operators are behind the scenes in positions of control. One's holding the purse strings in the Treasury etc.

Putting anyone's personal "religion" aside, the facts and history show this push of humanism has invaded all aspects of our society including politics. One can read the policies on each of our current political parties websites including the party of the current Prime Minister, easy to determine what that parties core beliefs are based on, and calling it "progressive", "democratic socialism" is irrelevant, they are all basically communism.

In each case, the holders of the new worldview and the coalition knew and know they had to co-opt or defeat true Christianity and patriotism in order to put their value system in place in the hearts and minds of the people, especially the children.

Typically, the churches of those countries in history never saw it coming and in many cases actually participated in their own demise, so few saw the oncoming danger. Sort of parallel to the parable of the 10 maidens who all slept (all of the church), are you like the one on the wall who didn't? The Watchman (mankind)
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