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Think Big, Build Dams NZ July 2020

The final reports and decisions controlling the direction and decisions for energy production in NZ have been infected by the pseudo science "climate change" ideology, used hypothetical people living decades in the future, and are consequently filled with many assumptions.

Since "Earth Day 1970", not ONE SINGLE "climate change" prediction has EVER come true, or even close to what was proposed. Claims by firstly looney Greenie driven eccentrics, has now by design become the cultural norm for the media, politicians and even the education fraternity.

The failed outcomes that has resulted over the last 5 decades plus, parallels that if ALL scientific experiments were based on a fluctuating speed of light, with the chosen velocity based on the one's opinion of the day.

Going by a true live online poll of approximately 45 thousand recipients, is obvious that the bulk of normal, critical thinking New Zealanders have had a guts full of the farcical "climate change" rubbish thrown at them for decades.

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Agenda driven decisions based on failed assumptions by ideological eccentrics will never give the results of prosperity, nor give the ongoing benefits in the case of consumers of lower and stable electricity prices.

Millions of unnecessary dollars spent on unnecessary, inefficient and extensive infrastructure.

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The extremist democrat New York Congresswoman Ocrazyo Cortez plus her ideological colleagues, launched the "New Green Deal" with a price tag of Trillions. On an equal smaller scale this is the same agenda and ideological driven rubbish that has been force fed onto New Zealanders by UNELECTED MP's. Typically it's List Labour and Green MP's pushing through policies, regulations and taxes to cover them.

Except, due to the slow slide further into socialism over the last 5 decades, and prosperity suppressed deliberately, New Zealand has 2/3rds GDP compared to the United States.

Proven by many financial experts that Ocrazyo's "New Green Deal" will totally cripple the wealth of US citizens for decades, if not centuries; the same will happen in NZ except due to our smaller scale and isolation our country will become a desolate version of Venezuela.

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The future prosperity of our nation in the hands of these incompetent ideologists?

Hydro and dams are only mentioned half a dozen times

Hydroelectric energy is given virtually no consideration

Decisions are made by farcical "climate change" ideologists

New Zealand has a huge potential for medium and large hydro dams in many areas, especially in the South Island.



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New Zealand has abundant and endless water supply



Public will support when shown all the benefits instead of ideological nonsense

Lower prices benefit consumers directly.

Lower prices benefit businesses and industry and agriculture

Flow on effects of industry benefits consumers indirectly

Hydro dams have fantastic potential for recreation and become wildlife habitats

Hydro dams are natural water reservoirs for drinking and irrigation.

Hydro dams become drought protection infrastructure

Hydro dams create local industry and infrastructure

Hydro dams create jobs, jobs benefit families. Our nation benefits from strong families.

"Get Smart, Think Small" Energy Production has been a failure

to New Zealand Households, industry and agriculture.



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 Cynical, Thought Provoking

"Politically Incorrect" Graphics

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