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CGT Titianic - Coalition pulls CGT
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 Current Coalition Pulls out of CGT (Capital Gains Tax)


The second of Taxcinda's "Flagship" policies fails, another pre-election promise to her fanatical followers, who believed her banter of "a fairer tax system", and claims that led most first home buyers to believe that on the rolling out of CGT homes would magically pop up at amazingly low rates.

 SO, another of the "flagship" policy pushes of the coalition fails, led by Cindy, but to many it is obvious the core decisions are controlled by NZ Last's leader, Mr W Peters, no doubt any policies furthering any socialistic  agenda is backed by the Green party led by Mr Shaw

But Jacinda promised in her pre election banter to build 100 thousand houses in a decade, her faithful  sheeple believed, she would never fail them? Yeah right.


 Current Coalition Kiwibuild Update September 2019

139 House completed and sold 05/9/2019


After the MASSIVE fail of Kiwibuild, Twyford is shifted sideways into Transport and starts launching tax regimes and ridiculous policies and law changes, basically achieving only one thing in his ineptitude, which is to further alienate even the Left's stalwart voters against them. Certainly giving plenty of fodder for Kiwi's and right minded thinkers to call out their hypocrisy and lies.



But Jacinda promised 100 THOUSAND homes, so the new minster of housing Megan Woods simply reduces the deposit to a measly 5% required on their "affordable" Kiwibuild "Kiwi dream", which includes trendy landscaped gardens. Nikue palms and a bar-b-que area.

All this has insured for the communist coalition, is houses sold, as it enables some fairly well off citizens the ability to purchase. Certainly the ones who NEED homes at present will never darken the doors of one of these. The actual homeless, tenants packed like sardines into rental squalor, and large low income families; the demographic who typically voted for Labour while believing Jacinda's fake promises.


Kiwibuild Version 2 is launched, which any with half a brain already knows it will end in as another twisted wreck at the bottom like all it's preceding "Flagship" policy. While the thinkers, the Right, the conservatives and even some now woke Leftists, collectively mentally bash their heads on the brick wall of frustration.


In interviews containing the usual twaffle and blab the leader and new Housing minister bring convincing and heart wrenching emotions, therefore ensuring their avid devotees hope in their failing ideology and methods, and the givers of such great news know that New Zealand is back on track in their admiration and support....?

Yeah Right.

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 Cynical, Thought Provoking

"Politically Incorrect" Graphics

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