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Ashes In Their Mouths

Hardcore democrats know and remember "the fruit of that victory will be ashes in our mouths" - JFK

What the modern liberal socialists do not like is the fact that JFK was paraphrasing scripture
To feed on ashes (Isaiah 44:20), means to seek that which will prove to be vain, pointless and unsatisfactory, and hence it denotes the futile nature of idol-worship

Look into any socialist government or party's policies, the current coalition in New Zealand, or modern liberals in any country be it the UK, Australia or Germany including their pre WW2 extreme left wing NAtional soZIalistische deutsche arbeiter partei (the National Socialist German Workers' Party), they are all Socialists and their policies, policy goals and final agendas are nearly all identical.

Those who attempt to convince or push the ABC's of socialism, will do so using all sorts of fancy emotional rhetoric and will avoid debating or discussing in facts or absolutes, the final results or XYZ's.

Here is a link to fantastic info on socialism and the XYZ's of socialism. 

Dems Ashes YRG.jpg
Yeah Right Logo CRight 200pxWH 352px.jpg

 Cynical, Thought Provoking

"Politically Incorrect" Graphics

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