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Failing Cindy 29-06-2019
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 Cindy's election tag line "Lets Do This" was what folks?

1 - Turn NZ to shit

2 - Increase Tax

3 - Spend 1000s on photo shoots

4 - Usher into NZ an extreme ideology

5 - Sign UN Migration Pact to flood NZ with migrants

6 - Kill Free Speech

7 - Create Police State

8 - All the above

As those who are aware, awake and question know, all of the above (apart from No. 3, maximising on the babies birth and carting her around the world and into the Termite Mound), was part of the socialists plan first implemented by one of Cindy's best buddies, Aunty Helen.

Chuck all this crap at Kiwi's 3 decades ago and their would have been public mutiny, major riots and probable a lynching, not different if you dropped a live frog into a pot of hot water. But put the frog into cold and slowly increase the heat later you can add frogs legs to your meal if that's what you're into, just as slowly the level of socialist crap has increased, laws implemented without transparency and under the guise of rather obscure lengthy names, and through the nearly 95% liberal media social brainwashing.

Calling themselves "progressives", which in reality they are, progressing the rolling out of socialism which in reality is basically communism.

But Kiwi's are waking up, mainly due to the fact that Cindy and her communist coalition have simply produced nothing but a train wreck of epic failures. Cindy ignores the fact that socialism as always fails, maybe the only thing she doesn't ignore are the brainwashed liberals when she's bolstering her ego while on her regular photo fest gaunts?

Failure is failure, and in the end The Queen of Waffle won't be able to smile and blab emotive rhetoric to excuse herself from the facts, so already hinting she's got visions for a UN position to impact the world in a positive way - YEAH RIGHT.

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 Cynical, Thought Provoking

"Politically Incorrect" Graphics

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